Studies have even shown an increased risk of accidents. Yet the most common effect of hearing loss is far more subtle. When you’re not completely part of the conversation, you feel left out. As time goes by you may even start to opt out of social gatherings because you can’t fully participate. Social isolation is not only a side effect of hearing loss, it can also amplify the other effects as social interaction is crucial for cognitive and mental health.
While the negative health effects of hearing loss are scary, the good news is that treating hearing loss can reverse some of these issues. According to research at the University of Texas, participants who used hearing aids were able to significantly recover cognitive ability the longer they wore them. Other studies confirm that hearing aids help fight the side effects of hearing loss and are a good intervention for cognitive decline. Among the cognitive functions tested, hearing aids helped improve memory function, speech recognition, and speech processing.
Why suffer the effects of hearing loss? Get tested today and see what treatment options are available to you.